Monday, September 19, 2011

Fixing a Hoodie

I have had this hoodie for over 10 years now and I absolutely love it! There is only one problem with's white. While in storage it some how got this wonderful stain on it.
I was so sad about it. I let it soak for a day in Oxy clean and washed it at least 3 times. But the stain just wanted to stay where it was. So I decided that since I couldn't get it out...I would just cover it.

And I've always wanted a pocket in the front this worked perfect.

I bought 1/4 yard of white fleece (which is a little off from my hoodie, but I figure with wearing it and washing will soon look the same)!

I have this other hoodie that I used to copy the dimensions of the pocket.
  I cut out the fleece to the shape and size that I wanted.
Then I sewed in around all the edges.

Then I pinned and sewed it onto the hoodie it self.
I love how it turned out (it just needs to be washed to get rid of that line right down the middle from the fabric being on the bolt)!

Now I get to wear my favorite hoodie without looking super dirty! Yay!!

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