Monday, January 10, 2011

My New Laminator!!

For Christmas my parents gave me this laminator! I really wanted one for my recipes, but in using it today I've decided this is my long lost craft best friend!! I not only laminated all the favorite recipes that I use all the time, but I. . .

made luggage tags for an upcoming trip!

Made a "Need" refrigerator thing for all those other things I need when we go to the grocery store! (This has been on my "to do" list for a while, but haven't come up with a way to make one. This made it 1000 times easier and way less expensive!!)

Laminated my recipes!

And laminated my pictures for teaching songs in Primary!
I have already loved this, and can't wait to come up with more this laminate! I'm going laminating crazy!!

Thanks Mom and Dad!!


  1. So fun! I'm glad you've already put it to good use! I think I might have to get one, too! There are so many projects I have started that need to be laminated to finish!!!

  2. I LOVE my laminator! Abby calls it the magic melting machine
