Saturday, September 4, 2010

Date Night Jar

I have made other date night jars, but I just seem to find more and more that I like and that are cute! So I decided to make another one. I found a jar similar to the one above at Ikea for like 4 bucks. Well for how many "ideas" I had they all just didn't fit. So I went to Hobby Lobby and found a similar jar and used a 40% off coupon and got if for $3.50. So it wasn't a total loss. I'm sure I'll use that other jar for something fun! Anyways, so all I did was use scrapbook paper, cut it down to the size of a normal paper and print off all the ideas on the white side of the paper. Then I cut it up, folded it up, and stuffed it in this jar. I glued ribbons on as well just make it pretty! I got some of the ideas for dates HERE at My Creative Stirrings. The great thing is a lot of these ideas were either really cheap or free!

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