Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Personalized Memory Game

I have 2 nephews and 1 niece that are between 2-3 years old. I thought a cute memory game would be the best idea as a gift for them. I bought 2"X 2" wood squares off Etsy, I can't remember exactly who from, but they were perfect for this project. Then I made pages with each kids name on it. I printed those on card stock, cut them out then mod podged them on the front.On the back I got pictures of 10 different animals doubled and did the same as the front. The only thing to remember is if you do something that has to be a certain direction make sure you double check which direction you're putting them on. I screwed up on that one. But caught myself after doing a few. Sorry Abby.
This was a fun thing to do for my family! I hope they enjoy it even if they can't quite use it just yet, they soon will! I got this idea from here at Jamie's Digital Designs. She did this with photos, but I wanted to do animals. Both ways are great!

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