Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rose Shadow Box

So I saw this idea on The Crafting Chicks blog. I loved it because Brian has given me roses that I've had for a long time and it has become too much having to move them. This is a great way to show them off and a way easier way to move them, since we'll be moving 700 miles in a couple months. Anyways, I bought a shadow box and some cute fabric. I took the shadow box apart and used some spray adhesive to glue the fabric onto the back of the box. This is my first time using spray adhesive and I loved it. It worked so great!
Then I cut the rose heads off the stems and set them aside. Once I finished cutting them I hot glued them in a heart shape onto the back.

This was a super easy project and it turned out great. Without all the stems and leaves it doesn't look like there are very many flowers. But I loved this project and can't wait to hang it up in my new house!!